Why Self-Tanner is a Great Gift for Men

Men are impossible. Of course, if you have two ears and a pulse, then this is not new information for you. Anyone with a husband, boyfriend, or guy roommate will tell you that we can sometimes just be the worst. If you have ever seen a 90s sitcom, then you get it. We forget to put things where they belong. We are not all the best when it comes to completing chores. And we enjoy time spent on a golf course in lieu of helping out around the house. Because who doesn’t? And how great is golf?
Anyway, where we can really be a pain in the neck is when it comes to gift buying. As far as gifts are concerned, we men really only settle into two camps:
- We just don’t want for much. Give us a place to put our feet up and a cold beverage, and we are happy as clams. Clams? Do we really know that clams are happy? Jovialness of clams aside, there is not much out there that we need or want. We are but simple creatures.
- We want lots of things. A nice steak. New shoes. A PS5. And what do men do when they want something? They go out and buy that thing. Who has time to wait on Santa? Men need no excuse to buy something they want. We just channel our inner Tom Haverford and say “Treat yo self”.
As usual, the tall, dark, and awesome crowd over at Bro Glo has got you covered. Self-tanner is a great, nay, the greatest gift you can get for a man. That is because it addresses both types of men. The guy who doesn’t want for much will appreciate the gift of a bronze glow because he probably doesn’t even know that he needs a bronze glow. (Spoiler alert: he does.) And that guy who just goes out and buys what he wants? He usually is not considering any sort of awesome personal care product for the same reason as that other dude: he has no idea that he could benefit from a dapper tan.
There is also a third possibility, and this one pains us all just a tad. Some men may just not feel comfortable treating themselves to a sunless tan. Crazy, right? Do they not want to go to the store and be seen buying self-tanner? Bruh, c’mon. Maybe they are not sure what kind of self-tanner to buy? Again, we’re on it. Buy ours. Done.
If there is a guy in your life who has a birthday or special occasion coming up, and you are stumped as to what you could possibly get him, consider treating him to our face tanner or foam body tanner. Not only will our product enhance his handsome, but it has the added bonus of being a great skin hydrator. He may not know he needs it, but now that you know, order him some today. And don’t forget to spring for the mitt applicator, too!