Sunburn & Sun Damage – How to Keep your Skin Safe from the Sun
The sun is quite the paradox. Human beings need that massive ball of gas to live. In fact, just about every living thing you could name needs sunshine to thrive. Plants need it to grow....
Have the Wintertime Blues?
Feeling down for reasons you can’t seem to place can be a total drag. Having friends and family who tell you to “just get over it” can be even worse. Seasonal affective disorder is a...
Why Self-Tanner is a Great Gift for Men
Men are impossible. Of course, if you have two ears and a pulse, then this is not new information for you. Anyone with a husband, boyfriend, or guy roommate will tell you that we can...
Men’s Best Kept Hacks to Look their Best
Eat right. Exercise. Groom. That all sound simple enough. However, some guys have jobs and families, and that means the option of spending an hour at the gym then making a healthy meal at home...
How Men Get Wedding-Ready
So you’ll be attending a wedding? Are you a groom? The best man? A groomsman? Just a guest? No matter what your role in a wedding, you will certainly require some preparation. Sure, you can...
How to Buy a Girl a Drink
There are two types of activities in this world: Those that you need help with and those that you do not know you need help with. At Bro Glo, we are more than happy to...
Bro Glo Reviews its Reviews
Now that word is getting out about the world’s most awesome self-tanner made just for guys, we are pleased to see that the reviews are coming in. As you may have noticed, there are lots...
3 Reasons Why Tanning Beds Are the Worst
If you still happen to be using a tanning bed regularly, please allow us to ask you a few questions. For starters, WHAT?!? Secondly, HUH? And, lastly, ARE YOU KIDDING?! The dangers of tanning beds...